Ep:06 — Lilly Richards Interview & Kenya Women in the United States | The Kenya Connection
Today’s interview is with Lilly Richards. Her story is both amazing and inspiring. She grew up as a young poor girl in Kenya, immigrated to the U.S., and then started an amazing organization, Kenya Women in the United States (KWITU). And then started her own cosmetic line on top of that!
She has helped so many women trying to not only survive but thrive in a foreign country. This is a must listen for women and everyone especially so near International Women’s Day 2021.
This Episode We Cover:
Join us on a Journey to share compassion, give back, grow, and change the lives of Women in need in the U.S. and around the world.
Each week Ronna and Shonna ask you to leave your baggage at the door and join them for inspiration, education and fun giveaways. All while finding passion and purpose in your life and in helping others!
Please visit us at http://thebagladiesshow.com for more information and to shop our wonderful handcrafted bags, fashion bags, and coffee!
Sign up on our website we are going to give away some great prizes like handbags, Bag lady merchandise, cash prizes, and you might even win a grand prize safari at world renowned Masai Mari Game Reserve in Kenya.
Here’s a Few Facts about Kenya:
- Kenya is about the size of Texas and has over 40 million people
- Most Kenyan’s are farmers living in rural areas and their main exports are tea and coffee
- Kenya is best known for their runners and their world renowned safari’s
- There are 42 tribes with different languages but the official national language is Swahili
- The currency of Kenya is the Shilling/Jomo Kenyatta
Crush it this week with Compassion! Buy A Bag — Help A Cause — Change A Life Please
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This Episode:
Lilly Richards, The Kenya Connection
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Originally Posted on thebagladiesshow.com